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e-Mentoring Program
The e-Mentoring Program consists of a minimum of one meeting or phone call per semester for four semesters for students. Adult business professionals are also participants in the program. We also work with individuals that are returning to the workforce after extended times/lengths of absence from the workforce. They are required to have one meeting or one phone call per quarter for four quarters. Adult business professionals have the same minimal requirements as the participants that have extended time away from the workforce. The program also has a component that works with individuals that do not have any work or educational experience but have decided to return to school for a GED, College Education, or just want to begin employment for the first time and have expressed interest in a specific area of employment. 

The program has seen an interest from individuals that have been enrolled in social service programs for financial and/or food stamp benefits but have decided to return to work or are no longer eligible for the social service programs.

The e-Mentoring Program is an online community. However, mentors and participants are encouraged to meet and communicate above and beyond their minimums as personal schedules allow. They are also encouraged to meet face to face as often as personal schedules allow. 

Participants are coached to be the initiators of communication in regards to sending emails and setting up times to meet. To ensure a quality experience for participants and mentors, we are providing workshops, training, and additional support for participants throughout the program. Training will be provided by Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc (PPF, Inc.), Tailored Health & Educational Concepts, LLC (THE Concepts), and participating organizations, businesses, and individuals that have agreed to form a partnership with the program.